Partner With Us

Affiliate Model:

Who can be our affiliate partners:

  • Freelance Trainers registered on our portal
  • Training Consultancies on our portal
  • Individuals employees or Managers working for corporates ( they invite their company to sign up)
  • Individuals who is keen to partner with us to handle sales amongst their contacts
  • Area/Zone/Country partners who can run this in their country and have sub associates under them


We should have Sub Affiliates under Affiliates. (* MLM type) where the person on top gets paid for all work done by downline

In our case this could be the downline:
  • Company ( Our company)
  • Country Manager
  • Zone Manager/Business Partners
  • Affiliates / Business Associates

How will the point system/payment work?

Users can invite their contacts (from social contacts – facebook, linkedin, googleplus. Twitter) & email connections) to come and join the portal.
style="margin-top:10px;line-height: 1.52;color:#606060;">Cookies should we set to (this can be set by our admin) for 30/60/90/120 days. Any connection registering and upgrading during this period will be credited to the person who invited him FIRST. ( there are chances that the same contact can be invited by others also, so an intimation stating that Mr. XYZ is already invited by someone else.) Tracking can be on Email id.
Contact us to join the effySales Affiliate program and get started today

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A product by effyBiz Inc.